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Sep 28, 20188 min read
The politicisation of identity
Public life today is dominated by the politicisation of identity. The grand narratives of the age of ideology have given way to a...

Sep 27, 20182 min read
Why I’m sceptical about stories exposing Russian antics
I must admit that when I listen to the news or read the papers, I struggle to know what to believe and what to ignore when it comes to...

Sep 27, 20185 min read
Who’s guiding our children?
Though I am not a Tory I was deeply unsettled when I heard Sion Rickard, a teaching assistant, declare on the podium of the Labour Party...

Sep 17, 20184 min read
How ‘gender neutrality’ could screw up the next generation
At first sight, the call from Ann Millington, chief executive of Kent Fire and Rescue, to change the name of the children’s TV character...

Sep 12, 20183 min read
The toxic legacy of parent shaming – and the damage it does to children
Intensive parenting has become the latest target of parent shaming. Having been instructed to constantly supervise their children,...

Aug 21, 20185 min read
The great jerk rice debate (what a waste of time!)
Poor old Jamie Oliver. He has unwittingly made the mistake of launching a new quick-cooking product titled Punchy Jerk Rice. If he had...

Aug 15, 20182 min read
Identity politics has conquered the Westminster bubble
Something strange has happened to British politics: more and more social and political grievances are being aired and conducted through...

Aug 11, 201810 min read
The first culture war
As we mark the hundredth anniversary of the end of the First World War, it is clear that the moral wounds it inflicted on Western culture...

Aug 6, 20186 min read
Why Labour has a problem with Jews
The attitude of certain sections of the British Labour Party towards Jews raises some important and difficult questions. One of the most...

Jun 22, 20186 min read
A war that begins in the nursery
Unlike the 19th century Kulturkampf associated with the name of Bismarck, those of today appear over apparently very small- outwardly...

Jun 14, 20185 min read
‘The fear of populism is really a fear of the masses’
It often feels like we live in uniquely fearful times – a time of food scares, terrorism and a pervasive fear of the future. In politics,...
Jun 12, 201817 min read
Gyáva lett a nyugati ember – Frank Furedi a Mandinernek
A mai nyugati ember szégyelli a kultúráját és fél a kihívásoktól – mondja Frank Furedi brit szociológus. A magyar származású tudós...

May 31, 201810 min read
1968: The birth of the new conformism
From the standpoint of history, 1968 represents a brief interregnum. It did mark the end of the apathetic era of the 1950s. But it also...

Feb 28, 20184 min read
Stop this moral crusade against circumcision
The banning of male circumcision and the demonisation of religious freedom has become a cause célèbre among Europe’s moral entrepreneurs...

Jul 28, 201713 min read
A radical life
Frank Furedi talks to Tom Slater about Stalinist Hungary, Sixties radicalism, revolutionary communism and Brexit.

Jul 17, 20173 min read
Review: Not safe, just absurdly soft
As if Australia Day isn’t dangerous enough for the culturally insensitive, we are now advised not to celebrate the Australian belief in...

Mar 31, 201711 min read
A revolt against deference
When political commentators talk of the emergence of a post-truth world, they are really lamenting the end of an era when the truths...

Mar 11, 20175 min read
Nincs szükség egy európai transznacionális birodalomra
Az EU-párti technokraták és értelmiségiek gyakran úgy tekintenek az évszázadok során kialakult európai hagyományokra és értékekre, hogy...

Jan 5, 20173 min read
Campuses are breaking apart into ‘safe spaces’
The meaning of a “safe space” has shifted dramatically on college campuses. Until about two years ago, a safe space referred to a room...

Apr 2, 20164 min read
Paranoid parenting means university students are treated as kids
In the 21st century answers can range from 18 to 21 through to 26 and all the way up to the early 30s. Sociologists have invented an...
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